Water & Wastewater

BOC products improve treatment of water and waste, while saving time and money. BOC immediately increases dissolved oxygen and breaks down biofilm / fats / oils / greases -- the two biggest challenges in treating water and waste. This reduces aeration energy, nitrogen levels, sludge volume and odors. Proven results with 80-90% H2S reduction, ammoniacal nitrogen reduction & process optimisation of wastewater plants across UAE.


  • Increase Dissolved Oxygen: BOC, through its unique Bio-Organic Catalyst chemistry, produces highly reactive micro-bubbles. Unlike normal bubbles, which have shells that are “hard” and very difficult for gas to penetrate, BOC micro-bubbles have loose “porous” shells. This allows for very rapid oxygen transfer into the water column.
  • Break Down Biofilm, Fats, Oils, Greases: BOC micro-bubbles attach themselves to the protective microbial structure of biofilms. A rapid gas transfer then breaks the long molecular bonds of the biofilms and causes them to dissolve.
  • Increase Aeration Efficiency: By adding BOC into the aeration stream, highly reactive BOC micro-bubbles form and dramatically increase the transfer of oxygen into the waste. This causes higher levels of dissolved oxygen and reduced aeration time, which can reduce electricity usage up to 30%.
  • Eliminate Floating Grease Layers: BOC breaks down the fats, oils and greases that cause floating layers.
  • Reduce VOCs: BOC reduces Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by up to 90+%. This includes Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Amines, Ketones and Mercaptans.
  • Reduce BOD and COD: Three key operating parameters of wastewater treatment systems are BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), TDS (Total Suspended Solids) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). BOC significantly reduces all three.
  • Reduce TKN / Nitrogen Discharges: BOC enhances nitrification, thus reducing TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen -- Nitrogen and Ammonia) and nitrogen discharge levels.
  • Active Pre-Treatment: When added to a collection system at key junction points, BOC cleanses the collection system of odors, slime and fats/oils/greases. This also reduces the load on the downstream waste processing plant.
  • Reduce Oxidation Chemicals: Because BOC increases dissolved oxygen levels, there is reduced or no need for oxidation chemicals.
  • Reduce H2S / Odors: BOC massively reduces H2S emissions, in some cases by over 90%.
  • Increase Discharge Quality: BOC breaks down organic matter in the waste streams, making them less polluting.
  • Reduce Capital Expenditures: Because BOC enables the plant to process more waste at a lower cos, the plant managers/owners can postpone or avoid building capacity expansion additions.
  • Increase Safety: BOC is green and safe. BOC requires no special equipment or capex or protective clothing.
  • Easy To Use: BOC is easy to use – simply add to water. Standard dosage is 1-2 ppm per 100 BOD.



Ecosystem Plus

Our packaging comes in 3 sizes: 9.5L, 208L and 1041L


Our packaging comes in 3 sizes: 9.5L, 208L and 1041L